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Thanks for stopping by. About Kimberlee Clancy…

Kimberlee Clancy

Mortgage Broker/Owner

I have been fortunate in my career as a loan officer to have access to just about every loan program that has been made available to the consumer. Having this has helped me become an expert in my field because I have the ability to direct people towards the best loan product for them. I currently work with FHA, Fannie Mae, VA, USDA, CHFA and other down payment assistance, HomePath, High Balance and several streamline products. I can provide purchase loans with 100% financing, 2nd homes with 90% financing and can finance up to 10 investment properties with 70% financing. I am one of the only lenders that will currently finance 80/10/10 programs in both CO and CA.

I work closely with a group of realtors, financial planners, insurance agents and tax accountants to provide people with a well balanced, well rounded experience to help meet their financial goals. My objective is to save a homeowner money but also to put them in touch with someone that can educate them on what to do with that money. I want to provide people with referrals of the most knowledgable experts when it comes to finances and can only do that by working side by side with those people.

My goal is to be a local source of trust and guidance for all people on their path to financial security. I make myself available at just about any time because I understand that people are allowing me to handle their biggest life investment and I will not take that for granted
First Time Home Buyers, Relocations, VA, FHA, USDA, Fannie/Freddie, CHFA, 203K, Home Path, HARP, DU Refi Plus, Fannie Mae direct.

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